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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Too Bias or Not Too Bias? That is [the variable to] the question.

 Biases are funny. We all have them and they are impossible to avoid but somehow too often we think we are free from them as we try to help others see their own.

I got to meet with my professor, via phone conference, which I hate because I can hear the exacerbated sighs but I cannot see the facial expressions or read the body language to know if they are as exacerbated as they sound or even more exacerbated than they sound. 

It all went about how I thought it would. I overwhelm people. I have too much too soon and I care too much about it. Which is a "problem" in science, because it is perceived as a bias... and it probably is. But here are some things I picked up on:

As I was giving background story my professor pretty quickly labeled the previous therapist as "just a creep" a statement that followed, "was it countertransference or was he..." Professor offered his opinion: he does not think it was countertransference, he does not think the therapist had developed feelings for me. 

Now I sense a bias. Is it against the therapist or is it against me? Or both?

He makes comments about how the client is ostracized and blamed and shamed, so he picked up on that; this part of the conversation was when we were speaking about the generalized problem. But then at one point he makes a comment about how it takes two to tango, and this when the focus had gotten a little more specific to me again. Well, good thing no tango-ing took place. But is this a bias or did I say something that acknowledged patients taking responsibility that he may be reflecting back... Yet it feels like there is a bias, similar to those I read in the research articles and comments on Quora that say it is not the clients fault and they should not be blamed but then proceeds with subtly and not so subtly blaming, shaming and ostracizing them?.. what is really happening here?

...He compares it to sexual harassment and to the #me too Movement, yes. But I can't quite explain that maybe it is not a good guy bad guy scenario, rather maybe the problem is in the rules and regulations, and taboo nature in which the problems are being handled. The hole and the flaw in the middle that is kind of being talked about but is not being very well addressed in regards to how the handling of such situations effects the client. 

But mostly I have too much I want to solve and I am struggling with figuring out where to start... how to break it into manageable chunks and steps that might actually constructively help people. 

My professors is concerned that the topic is to personal for me to be objective about and thus may not be a good topic for me... But it just does not make sense to me at all to choose a topic that isn't important to me. Could I be objective? sure... But also being objective is what has helped me through that mess. ...and it likely hurt me too, in trying to be fair and not wanting to cause any harm... So objectivity, it's a double edged sword. And the lack of concern or personal experience with a situation, I doubt leads to better or more objectivity, rather a person probably just has different and likely less noticeable, but still present, biases about the topic. ...and, really, which is better? A bias that is easily recognizable, identifiable and distinguishable or a bias that is not so easy to spot by the objective observer who cares little about spotting it and does not have enough experience with the topic to recognize it or where it is coming from?

And isn't it funny how, in the malpracticing of me, the attempts to maintain and restore objectivity were not reciprocated by those who have supposedly been trained to do that and that are supposedly governed by ethics on the topic?... 

Is that where I start? By questioning the ethics?

I don't know... I suppose it makes some sense that Dr. He told me not to try and solve this... There are far too many problems to solve.... but is it a good idea for me to unbias myself in this situation??? maybe the start or end is about when bias is necessary?... blah... this is not helping anymore. Time to write on paper and see if I can whittle down my ideas and ideals into a workable research topic for a class that is not an all encompassing end all. 

4:00pm...and really it is just too bad that I have become so entirely socially inept. It is really causing problems for me and I don't know how to find my way back, which just further isolates, which leads to increased social retardation. Such a vicious cycle. I know what I need, friends and/or regular social interactions. Yet I can't meet that need and the harder I try the worse off I am... but I can tell you here, my invisible friends.

4:30pm..and as I persevere, determined to do what I can... I want to curse... because I am to damn connected to this topic...

So I think to change my topic to TBI stuff... and damnit, that feels even worse, because in that arena there is really no valid or justifiable reason that I was mistreated and ostracized and that literature can be even harder to handle emotionally, can feel just as, if not more, hopeless. AND I risk stumbling across research that is written by the misdiagnosers themselves. 

How about mania? That one is fascinating. Like why the hell did I go manic, what is physiologically happening to the body and stuff like that... but again, painful, and actually solved pretty quick when the correlation was established to the exact damaged regions in my brain... 

maybe I'll just research how video games effect test performance ...insert green faced puking emoji!

... maybe I'll go back to being an artist and keep painting instead. 

9:00pm And I'm back again... after conversation with the man (the one that I am married to). Talking through some of what I feel and listening to his feedback. I know I am expecting too much of myself. Maybe trying too hard to fix what cannot be fixed... Knowing it cannot be fixed for me, I want to at least try and fix it for others. Maybe I am simply trying to attach meaning to my suffering. Maybe I am trying to end my suffering by trying to relieve the suffering of others. 

hmm. that's not such a bad thing. I think that is a better way to end suffering than to heed the voices that suggest I end it by ending me or sacrificing myself for the gods of IHC.  

And I am glad that my man reminded me, this is not my only shot and it does not need to make or break me. It's just a step. 

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