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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Cognitive Dissonance

 Cognitive dissonance. It's a theory. And a condition?

basically it says if your thoughts/beliefs and behaviors (what you think/believe and what you do) are not in alignment with each other you will experience dissonance "a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements" within your cognition.. 

So like, if you feel morally obligated to report something but it is emotionally challenging to do so and you have a stupid (or intelligent, not sure which it really is) brain that considers far too many possibilities far too much, then your are going to be in a state of imbalance until you bring those conflicting variables into some sort of alignment with each other...

Stupid human experience.

Actually it is not and it is possible I am not so dissonant as I might be making it sound, rather just a tad annoyed with myself for letting my day get away from me once again in avoidance of continued attempts to straighten things out. Procrastination, distractibility, even loss of memory all seem to increase dramatically when I decide I am going to again work to tackle those rotten issues that day... 



It is so very annoying and now I feel bad at having wasted my day and I may even feel a tad guilty for coming here to process and confess... Oooh lovely, my confessional and my redeemer...

Blasphemy! now what am I up to? 😬 delightful irreverent distractions of minimal comedic/artistic value... 

But why the dissonance of belief, knowledge and action? 

because we are creatures of habit?

and even when we know it is the right thing to do we still seek community over isolation and we hate to have our value, insight, and experiences invalidated ...again and again...


No. I still don't and won't believe it and if that is stubborn then, in this situation, I will accept the label.

and my confessional, tipped over, turns into my soapbox...

Now off box and off to work I go to 

try and catch some portion of my day that got away...

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