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Saturday, February 15, 2020

Stupid is as stupid does, Welcome to the American Psychological Association.

I think I have some real problems with the industry of blasphemy... I think the people who write the rules are maybe really stupid or egocentric power trippers. The New Nazis.
I think to enter the industry but then I feel entirely turned off.
I am not sure I can fight that up hill battle against people who can't see their own narcissistic power tripping abuses.
It annoys me to the extreme that they claim to always have the patient/clients best interest placed first but then they say the way to handle a countertransference or mistaken attachment of their own is to stone wall. They determine every aspect of the therapist-client relationships and if you don't follow the pattern they want then they discard and it is 100% on their terms only. No negotiating, no compromise, doesn't matter that you have been helping them pay their bills, it is their terms only.
"I told you not to try and solve this"
"I will never have anything to do with you outside of therapy"
I still need you, can still help me. 
"I am no longer your therapist"
Please don't close the door on me completely
Wait, you weren't following your own research and rules with me, and I have unanswered questions about what is happening to my head and the testing you did. 
"You have continued to try to contact me... I will not respond"
It is so very very wrong.
Abuse over clarification
The stigmatizing in this kind of ostracizing is ludicrous. The insanity of those that claim power and privilege of sane is astounding and dumbfounding.
"They don't want you to break delusions," my friend reminds me.
Yes, this is true.
Sometime I am just so tired of fighting in my head what could have easily been settled and laid to rest by real life communication, the very thing that that whole damn industry claims to be the experts in. Sometimes becoming an expert causes people to lose touch with the common folk and often people lose their common sense with the increasing of their ego's...

I hate the industry right now as I keep trying to fight the insanities they fed in my head.
sometimes I just want to give in
and I hate that I understand so well how suicide can win.
It seems that no amount of medication can undo the reality of their insanity feedings.
I hate them very, very much right now.

"Let them eat cake"
and your head I shall take.

And this all needs to said
so that I don't drop dead

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