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Monday, February 24, 2020

"Respect MY AuthOR-i-TYE" ...naahh

Every time someone tells me I need to let it go I feel like, more than anything, it feeds my fire. I try real hard not to get angry and overly defensive. I try to examine the psychology of this reaction and ask why.
Sometimes it bothers me less than other times.
I think it especially fuels my fire when it is coming from people who know very little and/or who have tried very little to understand.
I also think I feel my fire being fueled because it has always gotten my goat how infrequently we actually have the courage to stand up for each other and how much re-victimizing is happening in our world because we expect the victims to "just let it go" and "get over it" when abuses and/or problems are still happening and when there are so many things that could be changed if people would just speak up and expect the change. While there is some need for "letting it go," and for forgiveness, there is also a lot of abuse and maybe a bit of conspiracy to this often overly used premise.
A movie review.
We watched the movie "Ford Vs. Ferrari" and mostly I loved it. I especially loved that it celebrated and honored Ken Miles.
But, what I did not love, was the subliminal message that so many movies and media sources feed to all of us common folk; That our submission to those in power and who have money is noble and honorable. And, regardless of how poorly they may treat us, that our dedication and loyalty should lie with those who have power over us and/or have financially funded, in any way, any part of what we have done.
It is times like this that I see just how much of a nonconforming conformist I really am.
I really do my best to conform to societies rules and expectations if I see the value to them and if they are beneficial to humanity... but when I don't see the point or if it the conformity goes against my core values, or ideals of humanity... I get all light up.
I think I may become something akin to a damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don't fireball of utopian ideals and ...integrity, I suppose, though I may be just as lit up at myself for my own cowardice and hypocrisy.
I wish I knew better how to direct and utilize this part of me.
A power source that can both comfort and terrify; that can both nourish and drain people.
....and as I am loosing my focus, my mind wanders to one of my recent epiphanies
If people be power trippin' on you, than you must be a significant source of power.

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