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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Neuroscience Institute Murray, Utah

Here we go again.
Lying awake due to games being played with me by IHC or maybe just the Neuroscience Institute in Murray, Utah. I am being so bold now as to publish the name because this is and has been so very wrong and people who may desire to go there deserve to be warned.
I am so tired but cannot sleep.
I would have been more okay but today I got a second letter from them. Sent certified $6.85. My daughter had to sign for it. (after all we have been throng with them this was upsetting to her BTW)
I thought is was a repeat from the patient advocate. the BS of the appeal. so I did not bother to look at it. but my husband did.
It's not the same. It's a termination and letting me know that I am not allowed back for treatment of any kind with the neuroscience Institute because "our clinic cannot provide the ongoing behavioral health treatment you need related to your traumatic brain injury."
The letter also informs me that Concussion Dr. will not be following through with her commitment to me to give a recommendation on a psychiatrist-psychologist team or even just a psychiatrist but rather "Your insurance company can provide resources for finding a provider to manage your ongoing behavioral health concerns, and we encourage you to reach out to them to facilitate this process."
-Oh how sweet of them.
My concerns expressed to Concussion Dr. about blindly throwing money at trying to find the "right fit" she was encouraging me to find, the reasons I was asking for her help and recommendations, are completely disregarded and now "behavioral health concerns."
The "prior undisclosed mental health issue's" that I begged to have acknowledged as they came flooding back to my memory and connected PTSD style to my previous TBI are now "behavioral health concerns" that they are incapable and incompetent of handling.
Beautiful, isn't it?
And second letter is signed by the only person they acknowledged made any mistakes and would be held accountable, which is also the person I asked not be allowed any contact with patients because of how she treated me. Why on earth would it be okay for her to be the one contacting me to confirm the frustration I expressed to Concussion Dr's assistant; that I have, in fact and reality, been ostracized by the facility?

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