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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Some things are worse than COVID

Last week I cried for the first time about all of the COVID 19 crap. I am so tired of all the nonsense and fear mongering. I am so annoyed with how our kids are being treated and how blown out of proportion this virus is. 

I am tired of being treated and people being treated with so much aggressive malice if you differ from the fear driven expectations of the mainstream media. I am so tired of people saying crap about "protecting their loved ones" and how you don't care about peoples lives if you try to point out that we cannot stop the spread and we need to develop herd immunity. I am so tired of the hate and fear. I am so tired of the lack of common sense and abuses being justified and excused in the name of COVID. 

It is starting to wear on me.

I am now powerless to stand up for my children rights to attend school and be treated fairly. 

I am not keeping a calm demeanor in talking to ignorant and irrational facilitators of their educational facilities. I am tired of people, "just following guidelines" and orders...

We are no different than the Nazi's... 

and I felt that when I read Viktor Frankl's book before this whole COVID nonsense. It is becoming more clear how true this is.

I don't want to go into how my daughter is being expected to quarantine and not allowed to participate in school activities because on of the girls on her Pom team tested positive for COVID even though my daughter does not actually meet the criteria for coming in contact with someone who has tested positive. I don't want to write about how the coaches that decided all of the girls should be quarantined, that had the same or greater contact with the virus, are NOT being quarantined and are, and have been, participating in and attending the school events they are not allowing our children to attend... Activities that these girls have been getting up at 5 am and working hard to prepare for through out the summer. 

I am angry. 

and it is wearing on me...

my ability to self modulate this anger when talking with these ignorant and irrational lemmings is feeling very compromised...

I know how this whole COVID crap is being handled is not good and is very unhealthy. I know this because it is starting to interfere with my stability... it is causing symptoms that I know mean something is off and unbalanced. It is even surprising me with the creeping in of suicidal feelings and responses. 

... so what do I do about that?

I'll not join the fear of the masses. Then I die for sure. In life or livelihood, very possibly both. 

Maybe we need a resistance army 

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