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Saturday, April 13, 2019


There are a few things I find interesting. First I have been pretty honest about what has been going on with me. I have not wanted to share the entirety of what the neuropsychologist said that led me to think and feel the way I have. At least I have not wanted to share it in places that I feel could get him into trouble.
But I have been behaving like someone who has been groomed. And for all intents and purposes if you look at my tests, my support system, and my spousal relationship, I appear to be a pretty easy target. Plus I am playful and I was desperate for acceptance...
It is also interesting the words and word choices the people I have had to interact there with have used and how they have behaved toward me while not willing to explain my offense. MM said I twisted her words when I had repeated back "Of course that is all you can say" with a slight laugh at myself for thinking she could or would say anything more when neither of us trusted they other. Her exact words she claimed I was twisting were "that is all I can say"
My Concussion doctor said something about wanting to keep her license, when I was trying to explain my Adderall prescription, that I need it filled. I was confused by this comment because she had asked how I had filled it in the past, and when I told her that was the comment she made. I take 15-30mgs a day as needed. Usually less. Prior to the car accident usually 10mgs a day or less.
She also said that He said I had behaved inappropriately.
The other day while looking at my medical records I found that he told her on Jan. 8th I had made multiple attempts to contact him. I don't even know what he is referring to, other then asking to talk to him that day. Prior to that I am not aware of any contact after my last appointment I had with him on December 3rd except I am pretty sure I sent a thank you note but I don't remember what I said. I sent one to the PA that saw me before Italy, all broken down, as well, before I left to Italy, when I was still straddling two worlds. Did I ask if I could talk with him when I called to schedule the appointment with concussion doctor? I don't think so. Oh, wait, in my trying to understand what kind of creature he was I did find a phone number online for him. I tried calling that one time, to see if it really was a valid number. I would have tried talking to him if it had been, because I did not want to go through his work because, even though I wanted clarification, I did not want to get him into any trouble and I was only concerned about that because he was. But that number was not his and I am not even sure I had tried it at that point.
I also found an address for him but I did not do anything with that.
He is lacking in is online presence which may be a bit suspicious in and of itself because it makes it hard to determine the type of creature that has possessed you when there is such a lack of information about him.
But searching for information to determine what he is, is not an attempt to contact.
Does he count this blog? Hmmm. well, he would have to be coming on here directly and I have no control over that. Have I attempted to contact him through this blog? No. I only told him about it and told him he is welcome to read it. Do I talk to him through it? Only if he is listening. But he is not. and my intention is to help me process and to help me work out, and work through what I need to, sometimes in hopes that it will help someone else, other times to be transparent, and still others, to document this very confusing situation and because it is, after all, a pretty fascinating story and psychology I am living.
But as I think,
I realize something.
In the report, that is so bogus and misconstrued, that releases him of any responsibility or mistakes, the one that claims I was not manic and there was no countertransference and that targets concerns that were not even mine, it does claim to be holding MM (the manager that yelled at me) accountable.
Was she also manipulated by he to protect him?
And every step down this path more and more comes out that has been done wrong or that they are worried about being held accountable for when they know damn well they are in the power position.
People in power abuse power to have and to hold power. They are willing to lie to protect.

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