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Friday, September 11, 2020

The automatic nervous system and how your therapist might be testing it

 "don't try to solve this" echos in my head as I read about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in my psy 1010 book... 

but even more interesting is the echo of, "I have tested your brain in ways you don't even know."

and my automatic reply of, "I know. You have even tested how I feel about you."

How did I know this? and what did he really mean?

As I try to piece together my learning about the Autonomic Nervous Systems and it's jobs and functions...

I am even more curious about how "he tested me in ways I don't even know" that may be linked to his research on the ANS and how it is effected by concussion... 

He knows

is the problem.

He knows what he was doing and the fire he was playing with. The fire he then suggested I let burn out. 

Here are some other things I have learned about the industry and the reality of just how atrocious their  disservices are in situations like mine. 

- There are laws that protect medical providers from their apologies and admitting mistakes and working to resolve them from being used against them in a court of law. So if your medical provider makes a mistake, admits it, and tries to correct it as best he/she can then they are protected from lawsuits and legal action being taken against them for it.

- In my readings these little snippets have stood out to me:

-this one really gets me:
Circular explanation or tautology: It is the type of reasoning they/he used to first claim I was something I was not and then, after be treated as something I was not, my behaviors that followed were used to justify the  false labels, claims, and accusations. A fine art of using the the very pitfalls they warn psychologists about to ones advantage. And sadly this is a rather common occurrence within the field. 

- My sisters, the prison guards words, "those are classic player's moves/phrases."

- On paper (clearly not in reality!) I was a prime target for grooming. Why? 
  • TBI in locations that effect impulse control
  • Low self-esteem
  • lack of family and social support
  • negligent/oblivious husband
  • intelligent but functioning with deficits and low confidence
  • recent job loss and other painful social rejections
  • need for love and support
  • attractive enough but not too attractive
  • highly vulnerable
  • puts others needs ahead of self
  • submissive-ish
  • etc
But all of these things, and other serious red flags, were very much ignored... Especially disturbing because these things also make it that much more devastating and unlikely I will take legal action. Plus I have a mental health history and ailments that are easy for people to use against me -that I am stigmatized and discriminated against for anyway.  By and large, on paper,  I represent some voiceless and powerless demographics.  

- And my ANS was such a mess. My whole nervous and neurological systems were. As I read I can associate the physiology I am learning about with the haywire chemistry I could feel surging through my many systems and my curiosity is peaked all the more. It is so curious to be able to feel all of those chemical and biological responses happening inside oneself. It is so curious how they effected my thinking and thoughts. It is so curious how it was possible that he had so much power/influence over me... 
The chemistry and physiology the book explains we all feel it at times, the books give many lovely little examples, but what I was going through is next level stuff. When people experience that it has to be testable and measurable in some way... It is too significant to not be... 

But back to the therapist who was testing me in ways I was not supposed to know and who told me I only see what he allows me to see... 
Considering the reality of the very significant imbalance of power and how illogical, irrational, and obviously unfair it was for them to continue down their paths of clear and definite malpractice with me it is not terribly surprising my very astute manic mind found itself fighting to reject and free itself form the notion that he wanted me to pursue and win a malpractice lawsuit. 
So many things that were and are so curious... and here is yet another possibility -or if I am using my more sophisticated science language I might call it: an alternative explanation for the observed phenomenon/problem:  

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

To the INSI, For the Unlawful Carnal KnowledgING of the minds that you do.

Sometimes I just need to complain, right now I will keep it here to refrain

from bothering and bringing it all up again.

Vomit in my mouth and anger pressing my skull as I am looking for the information on who I need to contact to request corrections to my medical records. Those records that are causing perpetual problems.

[9/10/20: after sleeping on it, I thought to pull this blog down... it is maybe too aggressively angry. But as I got on I remembered some of the evidence from Dr. He himself that shows just how dishonest they were being with me in the things they were both accusing me of, faulting me for and using to validate their actions against me. Also, upon reflection, I also feel it might be worthwhile to leave up because my anger and inhibition is, in fact, a very real by product of TBI and for so many people that can be very difficult to manage. As a teen it was an especially challenging struggle. It is a new challenge that we are struggling to overcome with the added burden of misconceptions, impatience, intolerance, and very little compassion or help. We will be faulted even when the anger is merited. So I think I will allow this to stay because coming on here was handling in a more constructive and less deconstructive way. Leaving this up allows others to see just how intense the battle can be. I also hope it helps others gain just a bit of appreciation for all of the things we don't do and say and just how much we are containing for their benefit when it is not easy and what has happened or is happening is not fair, civil, or humane to us.]

The exiling letter claims I was requesting Dr. He to treat me for things I had not previously disclosed...and claiming "The Neuroscience Institute Clinic is focused on neurology-based concerns and is not an appropriate setting to manage mental health issues, which was the primary reason for discharge." A lie and what Fucking idiots... I am sorry but those words are appropriate for how stupid those people must be. Apparently they do not understand the difference between requesting clarification and requesting treatment. Plus my mental health history, that was NOT undisclosed by-the-way, was directly related to my TBI which I am fairly confident falls within the realm of "neurology based concerns" ESPECIALLY since I was telling them there was more going on and I was just trying to figure out was going on with my brain.... They are really that stupid... It is unbelievable. And lets not forget this:

"It is our clinical experience
that a holistic approach that takes all these vari-
ables into account in the treatment planning is
much more likely to lead to resolution of post-
concussive complaints than one that is narrowly
focused on any one of these variables." (pg, 417) 

If they had been competent and/or honest they would have known (once again) that an MRI needed to be ordered. Truly unbelievable, either the games that they played with me or how stupid, incompetent, deviant and/or corrupt they really are... Brain fucking manipulative masterminds with unfortunate power or just idiots with egos and irrational fears. 

Allowing my injuries some free reign of expression, I know I am harsh right now... But this report I am reading after I had yet another conversation with one who may have some sway in hopes that corrections could be made and resolution obtained in the nicest and most civil of ways... To benefit both parties with clarification and some form of civil reconciliation that, if done, would serve the greater good... 

A fool I am...and sorry (not sorry) for my language 


 it is merited... I'll have to think on if I should publish because I do not wish to offend

 but offense have been dished out in all forms of deceit and conceit by them so why do I worry at all...

So to this end I will publish and state very clearly the aforementioned conversation will be my final attempt and then it is fully devoted to exposing the brain fucking beasts that they are if that is what they continue to choose to be and at the ever increasing expenses of me* and who knows who else. 

They have access to the evidence of their deviance, misconduct and misdiagnoses. If they will continue to ignore, then blame, shame, defame and even threaten with legal action, then I say bring it on, and take me to court because then it will all be brought to light in the fight and even if they win -maybe especially if they win- people will start to see just how deviant and malicious they really are. Sacrifice me? Go for it. As a lamb to the slaughter I go? NO. I fight. 

I will not burn out. I will not die and I will not sit idly by when they treat patients with so much deceit, disregard and malice.   

(*some recent notes on the ever increasing expenses: I just got yet another ticket from Italy. $450. It's been almost 2 years, but another reminder of the misdiagnosed and manipulated condition I was carelessly driving in that is very out of character for me. And the bill from the neurologist who is well out of network because finding fair treatment is very difficult when your records are tainted with the black marks carefully placed the way that the offending institution has tainted mine) 

Ramblings and the common good

 I am just feeling a bit emotional... for whatever reason. And I feel like writing it out. freefloww whatever comes out comes out...

School. I love learning and I really enjoy interacting with others in that environment too, so all of this online stuff is not my favorite. But I still enjoy the learning aspect. I am slower though and keeping the correct word matched to the correct definition is more challenging. That is a bit discouraging. Yet kind of cool to because I get to see what it is like to utilize disability services. Not that this is necessarily cool by definition but to gain understanding and apathy I think is a gift that I can be grateful to obtain. 

My mind is also... too... yes, maybe just too

As I read I make connections and I see the flaws as I think like a scientist, so many errors exaggerated so often in the science of psychology. 

and somehow, "don't try to solve this" is the command whose opposite is now my life's purpose... further nurtured by soooo many, "you will help so many people." and even more by the, "You already have"s Which I am immensely grateful for... 

but also tearful because I know it is an almost impossible task, especially since I have no ins, no connections that will help me substantially with my goal. And I have lived enough and done enough within many environments to know that those ins and connections are especially crucial for lofty goals such as mine...

... tears well again.

and my heart and mind are in conflict again knowing how much I know and have lived through and how much I really could help others if only given the chance... But the very things that make me a valuable contributor to the world of psychology are the exact same things that I am discriminated and misjudged for... and it hurts so much... and my heart hurts so much for the so many people that have also been used and abused by the-rapists of their souls who hide behind their credentials and claim therapists

And they don't care. 

It is clearly evident that Dr. He does not care about the harm he caused me and the damage he did. He does not care that he recklessly endangered my life. He does not care that his games still haunt me and burden my soul. 

And Ms. Reddy does not care. She does not care that she carelessly and/or ignorantly endangered my life from the beginning and multiple times along the way as she feigned care. 

What exactly did I stumble across?  Ms. Jodi, who was supposed to be my advocate, how the hell does she even sleep at night doing what she does? Evidence of greater deviance from within. It just does not make any sense at all what happened to me and why... I can give so many explanations, I can solve this a million times in a million different ways but ultimately the lack of humanity and human dignity and the complete disregard for me... that eats me up again and again.

Second class.

Prime target for grooming.

these things that put me there make it so much harder to take. At least now I am aware. Aware of how I made myself second class too often in my life and aware of how I have established too many relationships with people who reinforce my negative core misconceptions of myself. So I am purging... purging people from my life that do not value me, treat me as second class, and interpret their projections of their own flaws and shortcomings as my flaws and shortcomings... But this loss of relationships is hard and very lonely. And I have to leave family behind as I move forward in developing me... 

Even though I still love

and I still want to believe in others and their ability to change their relationship and perceptions of me...

I still want to believe when they say that they care even when all evidence suggests otherwise...

It hurts and is lonely... and it becomes challenging to know how to proceed with making new connections. 

And I hate him.... so much... because I really genuinely care for a person that values me at nothing...and I have to report.... or something... but still I want to believe and give him a chance because I am in love with the potential and the ideals that everyone else knows is never going to happen... Be very careful now, when I say this please do not misinterpret nor mistake what I mean, and to ensure that you don't I will clarify yet again: the ideals and potential that I am in love with are the validating and assisting in each others life work for the improvements of psychology, TBI treatment, and humanity in general. Just think how beneficial the outcomes could be if he would be honest and allow the conversations on countertransference, how it effected him, how he was expected to handle it, his fears, his realities, his handling. His honest reflections and honest feelings vocalized for me to process. His undoing of his misguided (or manipulative) words that keep something deeper in me locked in a constant battle. Just think how much the honesty of providers could help the clients they have cared (or feigned care) for instead of hurting through abandonment and isolation, blaming and shaming with no allowance of honest, fair playing field, discussions -reinforcements of the pain and shame of so many previous abandonments. Think of the benefits they could gain if I were allowed to explain what was really going on with me in light of head injury and how that effected everything, possibly even the feelings he had implied for me. Or even how we might turn tables of deviance by making him the hero of countertransference... Think how they could utilize the terms and tools of what has helped me be a success in handling so many aspects of TBI and mental illness... such a success that even they, the professionals, were unsure what I was and how to handle me because I was not manifesting according to data. Think of how much more we could help those with TBI if, instead of punishing me, they embraced -by utilizing me, the outlier to the statistics that suggest I should be much more worse off than I am.

But that is the ideal and not the real world that we live in and I am somehow supposed to give up and let go of those dreams... 

when so much of cultural conditions says to hold tight and keep dreaming those dreams. 

Cinderella, so sweet and never loosing her delusions of the life that realistically would never happen. 

... and even in the first chapter of my book of psychology they celebrate Mary Whiton Calkins, the cinderella of psychology... 

SO... what is a girl to do when she has a scientist's mind and a heart that wants to believe in the good of humanity and even of Goliath himself?  

David will take him down in one shot with his slingshot, but Erica would try to make friends with him instead. She'd appreciate his stature, his talents and skills, and his commitment to his people.  She'd communicate her hopes of reconciling the parties at war for the benefit of all instead of just those who have power over the others. 

...Power, money and prestige... oh how people fight to defend those... All the way to the death even of the innocent who don't stand a chance and in reality could add to their power... if they were unified in a common purpose and goal. 

... maybe that is really what it all boils down to. Do we have a common purpose and goal? Yes or no? 

"you already have done insanely hard things to prove a point," says Dr. She to me just now after I tell her that Dr. He's voice commanding me, "I told you not to try and solve this," is now my motivation to do exactly that; solve this. Not just for me but for every other person who has been hurt by therapists in similar ways.

She says I will succeed and I am glad I have her vote of confidence. We all need someone to believe in us. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

back in the saddle again...

 "You can do it but it's going to be really hard for you," says Dr. She.

"Well what the hell else am I going to do?" I say, "Everything is going to be hard for me. Any full time job is going to be hard for me. I'd think it will be easier to do something I really care about and feel like I need to do than just take some crappy easy job that will still make me just as tired." Or something to that effect.

Dr. She is telling me this because she wants me to be realistic and she does not want me going into only to be devastated due to unrealistic expectations of myself... 

I am already glad she warned me. My first pretest, you only get credit if you finish and I did not. I am too slow at reading and a lot of this is new or detailed information using semantics that I am not as familiar with. My head feels tight and tired. This is really hard. 

I know that some of it is just from being out of practice with this level of academia but some of it is new and exacerbated effects of TBI... it has never been quite like this...

This is hard. 

This is really hard...

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ethically Discarded; a Nightmare You Will Never Wake From

 I'm back in school.... coming in too hot on introductions and conversations in an attempt to make sure I have everything lined up as best I can for my student success.

... I am listening to lectures about peer reviewed articles, what they are and what that means... "the highest level of quality in science...'' blah blah or something like that and I feel a bit nauseous because these damn people who are supposed to have "the patients best interest" in mind at all times are so damn full of their own delusions of competency that they can't even see what is happening right in front of them when it is happening right in from of them... 

I guess thats what I am feeling that is making me slightly nauseated... because that is what came out. 

I might have to throw up to digest all this nonsense and I am just at the beginning...

But actually, what I think might really be happening... 

Triggering... blah. and where is the green-faced-about-to-puke emoji when you need it?

I think it is time to call it a night.

Damned manic intensified transference memories getting the best of me tonight... 


Monday, August 31, 2020

 Tenacious... And I won't give up. 

This is the path that has chosen me 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Nagging Dilemmas

 I have this ever present nagging dilemma... Sometimes it causes real pain in my heart; it physically hurts. Other times it causes a pit in my stomach with an ever so slight nauseous feeling. While others times it is a knot in my throat. It can make my head feel heavy and tired. Sometimes this dilemma causes all of these.

"I need to report..."

but truth be told, I still don't want to...

and that is when I start to feel all of those feelings... as tears well up... 


I am rather tenacious in my faith and confidence in people. 

And I felt things. I know things. About that man that I know I need to report. 

Why do I need to report? Because he crossed boundaries, he absolutely did play with me when I was very vulnerable and trusting him to help and care for me, when I was reliant on him and paying for his services. He has lied about what happened and my condition. He missed and/or intentionally dismissed very serious conditions (mania and even TBI) to cover up his mistakes and/or deviance. He said things and there is evidence that implies that he has done things like this before. He knew too well how to protect himself from his deviance. He was suggestive in a scenario where he absolutely should not have been. He planted ideas and then he set things up to make me look bad. He was slanderous. He lied about me saying that I behaved inappropriately... and other lies... He blamed me for his boundary violations and deviance and when I was in a very child like position with him. He will go to any length, no matter the cost to me, to cover up what happened. 

All these things.. You would think it would not be hard to report him. Clearly I need too.... Cleary I have a duty to especially since that is the path they pushed me down and I was even told to... I was told to, but then repeatedly punished for doing it by himself and his institution. That is important. I was told to and then severely punished for doing so. Even though I tried to do so in a way that would not cause any harm to him or any of them. I tried to explain every time that I was just trying to figure out what was going on with my head... Only to have the manic fed fantasy reinforced with denials and dismissals of the reality of my physiology and conditions.  

SO why the hell is this so hard to report?...

...Because (and here is where I want to verbally chastise myself but I will try to refrain) I still genuinely care for the bastard. I still see the good in him and potential. Because I know that if he would be open to it he and I could help each other in profoundly powerful ways that could then be used to help other TBI survivors ...and possibly help transform how transference is understood and how countertransference is so poorly handled across the board in the US. I am the expert from the other side of the couch that validates his career and life's work AND some talents and skills he has that TBI survivors need. Skills I know he has that others (maybe even including himself) likely don't fully understand the value of, and why they are are so valuable specifically and especially for TBI survivors. 

Because I know [or believe] that working things out directly with him would be far more beneficial (to at very least me) than reporting and going through all that nonsense which may just result in creating a better liar of this man who then would know the degree to which he can get away with his games and using of patients for his own self-serving purposes. 

... there is more

More in me that is resistant to reporting... Maybe not more but rather extensions of what I have explained. Tenacious hopes and desires to reconcile and work with the man I thought he was... But with the intensity of what was, and what was not, cleared up through the simplicity of reality (specifically referring to the transference and countertransference that were manic fed) 

...Resistant to report because then all potential is surely lost forever... 

Which in reality, everyone else seems to know clearly already is...

Due to their pride, ego's, arrogance, and irrational fears?

And yet I hold out with idealistic hope... Praying for an alternative... 

When I know, considering how it was all handled and the very clear misdiagnosing and malpractice, I need to report...

to the governing bodies whom they work for and with whom they pay their licensing fees to

... that don't give a shit about no-name nobodies like me... So I guess there is that too. I have lost a lot, if not all, faith in the institutions and organizations who claim to be there to protect us and hold accountable those in power... who pay their wages and govern their boards... 

But then their is also the recognition of their accusations and the level to which they are willing to take their lies... and I know I probably need to report to protect myself from them and their fraudulent accusations against me... They threatened me with legal and criminal actions... Using false allegations and accusations and scenarios they have carefully set up to make them appear real to some degree. Traps I walked into again and again, loving them, trusting them...needing them. 

As badly has they have handled and treated me you would think reporting would be easy.  And that is the deep psychology that is most intriguing and most unsettling... 


and the dilemma...

the nauseating, heart crushing, weighty burden...

 the ever present nagging dilemma...

"you should have seen me before head injury," I joke as he tells me, according to his testing of me, I am still "one smart cookie" and [he thinks] I have not lost any intelligence from the TBI's. 

A broken brain that is still intelligent. A blessing and a curse. 

...And so much potential to help others, if only they would open their eyes and get over their irrational fears.