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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Trying to make sense of reality when reality is insane

Dr. She has been so immensely helpful. I keep thinking I need to cut back. I fear the attachment. But every time I see her she helps me so very much with her knowledge. She really understands the physiology and psychology of what is going on with me and her explanations and clarifications are so very helpful.
She is especially helpful at helping me piece together reality.
Sometimes I think I am farther along in this process than I really am. It is very hard for me to accept the harsh realities that are completely insane but are not my insanity. It is also very hard because, as Dr. She pointed out, many of my interpretations were skewed by the manic lens I was looking through.
For example the possibility of Dr. P being a grooming psychologist weighs heavy on my conscience because if he is, he is so sly and cunning he is doing it in a way that would get his patients to be the instigators and then, using implied feelings and the patients vulnerabilities, he'll manipulate them to protect himself. He would be the type of master manipulator that would have everyone eating out the palm of his hand while believing the victim was the one to blame. Even the victims would blame themselves.
I try to explain the evidence that suggests this possibility to Dr. She. She thinks I credit Dr. P, and maybe people in general, with too much intelligence. This is a place where she reminds me I was seeing and trying to solve through that manic lens.
I consider her points and I explain more. I tell her I am trying to understand if this is a real possibility or if it is an error in my thinking that needs to be corrected.
We were not able to process all that has replayed in my head for far too long, fed, when I said, by the stupidity of the institute that I loved and trusted, that I was trying to piece together my very broken reality -while still very broken and being treated as a liability rather than a patient. I want to correct the errors in my thinking. I wanted to then. I wanted to understand reality and I needed to be treated for the conditions that were breaking me from it, so now it should not be terribly surprising that the processing is still going on.
So even though Dr. She seems to think the grooming scenario is highly unlikely the verdict is still out. Though there is some some lighting of the burden knowing she thinks it is highly unlikely,
I am not entirely convinced that Dr. P was not grooming and here are the reasons why:
1. because of how I broke and how it effected me and my husband after
2. because he manipulated me to protect himself
3. because of how he worked to keep people from talking to me
4. because the implied feelings of countertransference where complete lies or words carefully said so that I could be easily manipulated later and said in such a way that no matter how I interpreted his implied feelings and carefully worded phrases I could be accused of twisting his words and intentions.
And it is obvious they were lies because of how I was handled and treated and because of the false allegations made against me and how he has used everything he can against me and continued with the perpetuation of harm, even when I was clearly not looking to harm him (if I had been I would have told the patient advocate all things that would have been incriminating from the beginning and I would have had no problem talking to Dr. Concussion about what happened and I would not have done many other stupid things I did because I needed to figure out was going on with my head but I did not want him to get in trouble for it- like my statement of "I am not sure what it looks like yet but I know I need to stand up for myself" and my unwillingness to confide in Office director all that he has said. And I would not have tried to follow there rules that I neither knew or understood).
5. Because I was definitely set up by the Patient Experiences -that is painfully real and disturbing. It is not so subtle that the insanity was coming from their side when I was accused of harassment for unwanted contact even though in the last conversation I had with the patient advocate she invited me to reach out to her if I ever needed to talk and nothing contrary was EVER said.
6. As my sister pointed out, some of the bullshit he fed me is right out of "the players handbook"
7. The cover up, the pushing me out, and exiling of me being the only option the Neuroscience Institute was open to
8. He tried to make me out to be a stalker which was also either an epiphany or suggestion he was giving in one of my last conversations with him
9. because he acknowledged that he broke me but then dismissed and denied it.
10. Dr. Concussion  would talk to me and the conversation would go one way and then she would talk to him and she would then treat a completely different way, basically not at all. It was like she was playing games with me
11. Dr. Concussion acknowledged that "we need to get you stable" but then after talking to Dr. P she avoided treating, prescribing, and simply gave me two names of people to call and then in my medical records she reported inaccurately what I had said about suicidal thoughts and her conversation with Dr. P was reported in a way that made it sound as though I was stalking
12. The kind of game playing and manipulations, the way I was treated by office staff, and the fact that Dr. P was not even being willing to apologize made absolutely no sense to my rational side but plenty to the manic cycling side and makes even less sense and are becomes infuriating the more rational, stable, and normal I become.
13. On paper I was the prime target
14. because he and/or they have and/or are actually trying to criminalize me for this whole deal and are using false allegations to do so
15. because of the multiple times of negligence, malpractice, and even reckless endangerment -these things just do not make sense to me but it does make some sense if he was/is a groomer trying to keep his doings hidden
16. He obviously did not have any authentic feelings for me but their were sexual references and suggestions (my traumatized childhood reliving ptsd mind picked up on them but did not quite understand until my manic broken mind became hyper sexual). Playing with fire, flittering with disaster, maybe.
But maybe he dumped me when he did because he realized I was not going to play that way, or he thought his grooming was not working on me. But it actually was, just not how he anticipated, that is why I broke... and sent emails that alerted, therefore there was no going back.
It is a possibility, but Dr. She thinks it highly unlikely because she thinks if he had been grooming he would have known he had me right where he wanted me and he would have succeeded in achieving his desired sexual outcome.
I try to tell her I would not have succumbed; that is the thing about me, If any broken vulnerable soul can beat or catch a grooming psychologist in his game, I assure you it is me. Maybe a bit naive, but playful while solid in my rancher style boundaries and values, I will not simply give in to suggestions of sexuality, and if too bold I would shut it down so fast and so bold even a narcissist would blush with insecurity.
I had told Dr. She that, at one point in my emotional manic mess, I confessed to my poor husband that if Dr. P were to ask me to I'd leave my husband for him. For this reason Dr. She thinks he had me and I would have lost the game. This may be a common misconception and over the years I have learned that in sexuality, many people work very different than me, and though what I said to my husband at that manic moment I meant, for me leaving does not equate to sex, it equates to exploring possibilities that could not be ignored due to the intensity of my feelings AND because even in my manic mess, I knew that reality is the quickest way to kill fantasy and that exploring that possibility outside of that environment, -where, btw, I was holding boundaries better than my therapist- I would know or be able to discern better what the reality was.
Even manic, I am still intelligent and can hold boundaries, that was the fantastic feet that I AM proud of myself for and the most wrong about me that they, the Neuroscience Institute, are while at the same time the very trait they could benefit most from by working WITH me if they could get themselves and their egos out of their way.
...I suppose it is possible I am incorrect in that leaving would not lead to sex had it been a grooming thing... because the mania did, in fact, hyper that drive, and he obviously had some significant power over me...
but alas
He never asked so we will never know and we will never know if he would have asked had I not broken so big and scared him away from his target by possibly alerting his place of employment with my manic emails that were meant to not be missed.
Who knows?
All we really know is that obviously something was very wrong about this situation and how was being handled.
and my being blamed and shamed for it are reason 17 that I am not totally convinced that he was not diabolical in his motives.
I think I have said quite enough for today
and its time to put my tired head away.

Maintaining control in the face of adversity.

My daughter says "sometimes how you say things is not what you mean" and she is concerned I will get myself into trouble because of how others will use what I say against me.
I feel a lot of things hearing my daughter talk about this. She says, "I hate feeling powerless and I hate that there is nothing I can do." She is referring to standing up for me or helping with the mess that broke me and caused significant harm to me and my family.
How sad is that, that my daughter is afraid for me and our family for my trying to stand up for myself and she feels powerless because she has seen that my efforts to find out what was going on with my head and to have the TBI, PTSD, and Bipolar troubles that were happening acknowledged, discussed and treated have resulted in blaming, shaming, stigmatizing, victimizing and re-victimizing, and straight up abuse and ill intent by those in power.
** she is why I removed the names from the previous post of those that absolutely should be named; because she is correct; they will use it against me if they can. She does not know about this action and reaction of mine but I want readers to understand that they only reason I am allowing myself to be bullied and silenced by this institution is because I don't want my family to suffer any more than they already have.

....but this is also where I start to feel really conflicted and extremely angry. It should not be this way and my fighting alone, trying to save others from the pain it indirectly and/or directly causes them has likely been a major contributor to this mess. I don't want to be a burden, I am willing to own my own,  and I am trying to handle something too big and not solely my problem on my own. Part of why is because the rejection of being denied help or ignored when I ask for help is extremely painful. But that may be exactly why the Intermountain Neuroscience Institute has treated me the way they have. ..."Untied we stand, divided we fall" ...because if it seems nobody really gives a shit about me then why should they? For all intents and purposes it appears their bottom line is $ and alone I do not offer a significant source of that. In fact, for my families sake, I asked them to refund my bills because they were refusing me my patient rights (according to their patient bill of rights) and they were refusing me services while not referring me out appropriately. My husband did get involved in that one. But they would offer none and no apology. They missed and misdiagnosed and would not discuss or change their inaccuracies and for this I am punished again and again, while the stress of it is hurting my family and very possibly literally burning me out physically.
But I can do nothing.
and my kids are learning this very harsh life lesson, that I strongly disagree with; That we are powerless against corporations and people in power who are abusive, dishonest, corrupt, and/or whatever they are.
So then a part of me says something to the effect of "what if MLK went along with this kind of thinking?"
And I think I will fight. For now I will take the names off for my daughters sake as I take her advice to be careful in how I proceed, but I will not stop fighting for the injustices and straight up abuses I have endured at the hands of those who were in power and had an ethical, moral, and most likely legal obligation to treat me fairly. It is not right for them to vilify and try to criminalize me for their mistakes. It is not right for them to stigmatize, slander, and manipulate things to try and make it appear that I am things that I am not, to cover up their mistakes, or to protect their egos, pride and pocketbooks. It is not right for them to cause harm and then continue to perpetuate the harm once they know they are causing harm just because they either fear the repercussions, they are lazy, or, again, they simply want to protect their own ego's and/or pocketbooks. It is not right that I was so incredibly vulnerable and they knew it and they twisted and manipulated my vulnerabilities anyway they could to work it in their favor.
Alone or not
I will fight.
And if they really want to turn me into a criminal for trying to take care of me and my family while trying to protect the very therapist that made serious mistakes and acknowledged breaking me, and for standing up for myself, for trying to understand, for seeking clarification and for trusting and loving them, then I so be it.
I would rather go to jail unjustly than allow this kind of warped bullying and abuse. If I am allowing it to happen to me I am also turning a blind eye to others that are suffering and being abused by the same systems.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Burning Out just for you J P

If I am being perfectly honest, lately I find myself being a touch jealous of my younger cousin that dropped dead in the middle of the night.
And then I feel torn between living harder or trying to find that homeostatic balance that will keep me around for longer. 
My mom used to tease me that I was like, "Look at me. No don't look at me." and that is kind of an accurate description of how I am. I want to speak out but I don't want it to be the Look at Me show and I don't really want the attention or maybe it is the expectations I don't want. Also when I have problematic symptoms I mention them so subtle at first, but if continues I bring it up more plainly but then I instantly hide and shy away from addressing them.
I want to be done, I want to quit and yet I mostly don't. But even in those times when I really want to quit I still keep fighting.
Like today. I needed to get a new blood test done. Turns out my concern about the initial blood draw being done later than it should have been done was valid. The doctor said that my cortisol was a little low but he felt that it was likely fine since I had done the draw later than I was supposed to. The lab tech thought it would be fine so I went along with it but it did not sit well so I decided to go back and have blood drawn again at the correct time. Dr. Endocrine did not have the results back form the second draw by the time I had my follow up appointment with him. He told me he thought it would show normal since everything else had and cortisol drops throughout the day, but he would get back to me if there was any discrepancy with sthe second draw. I questioned a lot about it. And depending on whether you are one who is hopping for my thriving survival or you are one who feels the way the Intermountain Neuroscience Institute feels and would rather I die, that was a good or bad thing because as it turns out, the second draw showed cortisol as definitely low. 
This does not surprise me. I was in fight or flight crazy manic/bipolar cycling for so long and the trauma that the Intermountain Neuroscience Institute was causing and/or exacerbating was so insane that nobodies endocrine system can keep functioning properly. 
They literally were burning me out.
So now a new blood test has to be done and we need to find out if and what mechanism is failing, or something like that. 
But, going back to the honesty I started with, I find myself wondering if I really should even worry about it. I can just let myself go. But it does sound like a very slow and boring death... and I suppose, maybe what keeps bringing my fight back is that if I am going to be alive I want a decent quality of life. I don't want to fight just to survive, I want to thrive if I have to be alive.
And now I will loop again back to my systems that seem to be breaking down from all of this trauma
the EEG showed evidence and I had been a touch suspicious before that. However I did not want to admit or face that entirely so I do what I didn't know that I do so well and have downplayed and hiden that mostly. I especially am fearful of facing the possibility of seizures because the mood stabilizer I am on, quetiapine, "can reduce seizure threshold" and I genuinely fear messing with the medication that has been so very helpful and that has brought more stability and sanity back. 
But the other night, actually 4:30am, I was awakened by a convulsion that was so strong it hurt my back and the images inside my head shaking severely as if my brain were shot circuiting or an actual clip from certain 90's rock music videos. This time I could not deny it nor pretend that maybe it was not a seizure. I did a little reading online and it all seems to confirm that. I found that seizures can be referred to as electrical storms and I found myself thinking, "Yep, that is a good description." 
But now what?
I had an appointment with psychiatric PA and she is concerned about the seizures so she once again sent the referral to the University Hospital neurologist. She really wants me to have a neurologist to coordinate with and overseeing treatment. She will consult with Dr. Odd for now but we both (and my children who have meet him especially) agree that he is not the best fit for me since he clearly does not like to handle TBI related stuff. 
However, the neurologist providers she is associated with called today to let me know they got the referral and to check my insurance, only to find that they don't take my insurance. SIGH...
Guess who does, and who they have actually suggested I go to instead the last time they called about the referral... 
So am stuck in this crazy loop unable to get to the neurologists I need. 
and half the time I'm like, who gives a shit (because really, who does) I am tired of fighting and trying anyway, while the other half the time I'm like "I want to live!" and seizures get in the way.
It's almost as if I am in a "give me liberty or give me death" kind of position.
And life is so much more complex than even this. 
But I'll save that for another day.
Although I would like to share a theory I have about the quetaipine and the seizure activity. 
Maybe it is not getting rid of mania but rather reformatting it. Since that manic energy is no longer coming out, but maybe it still needs to, so it now comes out in an angry electrifying seizure burst. 
Maybe Quetiapine just reformats the mania into seizures. 
And then it turns into a game of "would you rather"

But the most annoying and disturbing part is that if the damn Intermountain Neuroscience Institute would have listened to me and treated me appropriately when I was manic and trying to figure that out while trying to protect the neuropsychologist that broke me, it is highly likely my brain would not be responding in this way. 
The stress and trauma is resulting in my brain literally shutting down.
Thanks * (names removed)* and the he-who-shall-not-be-named coward of a medical director. Thank you so much! you are so kind and caring. 
And even better, they decided to sick a lawyer on me threatening to and criminalize me and sue me for seeking clarification, understanding, resolution, and even medical care. 
It's disgusting. 
And I will not be silenced**. 
Give me Justice or Give me death! 
(because death is happening anyway)

* names removed because they can and have lied and they will use it against me, that much I know is real.
**Actually I am being silenced. They are they hold the power the money and the all of the cards and they have made false allegations and set things up so they could criminalize and penalize me for speaking up, speaking up and standing up for myself. It is very disgusting and disturbing. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Apologies needed

I have this idea... maybe it is an ideal.
I want to write out my story of breaking under the care of a therapist and I want to write it now, from my perspective, from the client side of the couch
and then go back to school to get a degree in psychology or neuropsychology myself then write from that perspective, tackling the slew of subjects tied to my particular experience. i.e. mania, ptsd, memory flooding, emotional childhood neglect, transference-countertransference, therapist boundary violations, bad medical and APA policies, grooming vs mutual relationships, etc.
I want to tackle in research and practice how countertransference, therapist attachment, boundary violations, dual relationships, and/or mistakes are handled.
And I have been writing plenty for processing, thinking it is good practice and might help in writing the book.
I have thought I have gotten to a place where I think I can handle this emotionally challenging task...
But it is not easy.
I expected that.
But I am wondering if I really am capable of tackling such a feat...
I am not feeling so capable.
It is so complex and messy.
It is so painful and the unresolved injustices become so raw biting.
maybe this undertaking helps explain some of my recent entries...

My 16 year old daughter has been having boy challenges lately. She is currently dating the very close friend of the boy she was kind of dating that she really liked but suddenly just stopped talking to her. It hurt her so much. At times, I have encouraged her to try talking to the boy about it to which she would respond, "No, I am not going to, it's on him." It made sense that she did not want to try and I realized that sometimes the harder we try to gain understanding or get some sort of closure the worse people treat us. I know this very personally so you would think I would stop trying and know better than to even suggest it, and yet it sucks to see her hurt so much from the stonewalling and lack of communication.
She and both still ran in the same circles and it sounds as if they have been cordial but she felt so diminished by his seemingly complete denial of the relationship and  his unconcern with the pain he had caused that it would cut and sting her almost daily.
But last night something very simple happened and today she seems more solidly turned around and much more surefooted.
Today she is happy and keeps repeating, "I feel so relieved and I feel so much better" and I am confident this burden lighting from her is going to hold.
What simple thing happened?
This boy simply said, "I am sorry I hurt you."
She did not need an explanation, she did not need the relationship to be repaired but in his acknowledging her pain and the part he played and in apologizing he let her know that she is cared for and valued. He let her know that she matters and her pain is valid. He let her know that it was not that she was too flawed and not worth his time. He spoke so many things to her heartbroken soul in that simple little apology.
And I am so happy for my beautiful baby girl and I am proud of her strength and resilience. I also feel a sliver of hope for this up and coming generation that I feel so much concern for having assumed that their social media and electronic filled lives may have killed their abilities to communicate effectively or even at all.
Maybe, just maybe, they can teach us a thing or two. Maybe the medical industry and APA can learn a thing or two for these kids.
 I bet you can also see that it hurts knowing that my adult and professional peers do not see the need for anything like this for me. It is dehumanizing and re-victimizing that they not only would offer no apology but would even try to criminalize me for their mistakes and misdiagnosis.
So it is raw and painful and I don't know that I can handle writing a book about it then being unheard, dismissed, and unappreciated with that too.

I wish I had those last few sessions recorded; the intensity was insane and it changed me.
I wish I could illustrate and explain the insanity and intensity that followed, how I behaved, and how I was treated for it. I wish I could paint or write the picture to the degree of intensity that only a truly talented manic mind could create.
I wish I could help people see through the delusions they hold so dearly about the medical and psychological industries, about the people in power positions. I want to gain justice, fairness, and restitution for those who have been so pointlessly hurt by them. I wish I could...

But maybe I will simply allow this blog to be that book.
a kersplat, splat kind of telling of a very complex and profound story...
Because revisiting is far too painful still...
 and plain and simple: I do not have the confidence or connections.

...."unfortunately there is still a human element to all of this"
But my "get[ting] hung up on something" was not done the way that was expected or desired of me and for it I have been very harshly punished.

this next part I hesitate to say but it is the reality we all know, the reality I keep trying to deny and trying to fight against. The reality I keep trying to hope away:
Apologies would be greatly appreciated.
But, just as everyone says, they never will.
and  just as they knew I would, I will eventually burn out and they will not likely have to face up to any of it while my family will have payed their bills for the harm.
I just don't understand how they sleep at night.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Stupid is as stupid does, Welcome to the American Psychological Association.

I think I have some real problems with the industry of blasphemy... I think the people who write the rules are maybe really stupid or egocentric power trippers. The New Nazis.
I think to enter the industry but then I feel entirely turned off.
I am not sure I can fight that up hill battle against people who can't see their own narcissistic power tripping abuses.
It annoys me to the extreme that they claim to always have the patient/clients best interest placed first but then they say the way to handle a countertransference or mistaken attachment of their own is to stone wall. They determine every aspect of the therapist-client relationships and if you don't follow the pattern they want then they discard and it is 100% on their terms only. No negotiating, no compromise, doesn't matter that you have been helping them pay their bills, it is their terms only.
"I told you not to try and solve this"
"I will never have anything to do with you outside of therapy"
I still need you, can still help me. 
"I am no longer your therapist"
Please don't close the door on me completely
Wait, you weren't following your own research and rules with me, and I have unanswered questions about what is happening to my head and the testing you did. 
"You have continued to try to contact me... I will not respond"
It is so very very wrong.
Abuse over clarification
The stigmatizing in this kind of ostracizing is ludicrous. The insanity of those that claim power and privilege of sane is astounding and dumbfounding.
"They don't want you to break delusions," my friend reminds me.
Yes, this is true.
Sometime I am just so tired of fighting in my head what could have easily been settled and laid to rest by real life communication, the very thing that that whole damn industry claims to be the experts in. Sometimes becoming an expert causes people to lose touch with the common folk and often people lose their common sense with the increasing of their ego's...

I hate the industry right now as I keep trying to fight the insanities they fed in my head.
sometimes I just want to give in
and I hate that I understand so well how suicide can win.
It seems that no amount of medication can undo the reality of their insanity feedings.
I hate them very, very much right now.

"Let them eat cake"
and your head I shall take.

And this all needs to said
so that I don't drop dead

Friday, February 14, 2020

the Challenge to Changing Perceptions

Another reason for this blog is to document, educate and share in hopes that it may reach and help others. The sharing part may be a bit of a hyperbole because I am very selective with whom and when I share it and most never find the time or care to read it anyway. But I do share and I am fine with others sharing, though I know it is receives very limited views. So, I suppose, in reality it is mostly for me and my processing to stay sane.
Which is a long lead into what I came on here to write about today.
Mania is a tricky and very interesting place. I am sure it can be quite different for different people and I am certain that many conditions, details, and situations from each person's life can effect it and how the person experiencing responds and handles it. I have a feeling that most people are capable of reaching this culminating life event but I am certain the threshold is different for everyone. The neurologist Dr. Odd said something like that about seizures, I think mania is probably similar in that way.
This is something that I think is important to understand.
I also am fairly certain that is it a type of culminating event. Everything comes together, you have super powers, your are and understand everything while everything is breaking all at the same time.
Lately, as I realize I am still trying to piece together reality, I have been thinking, "A person really does not understand reality/their reality until they have broken from it or been broken by it." And when that happens you realize what your family really is and how they really handle things. You realize just how few friends you really have and how little we really can trust each other yet how much we actually need each other. The duality of reality and our human nature becomes very apparent. I suppose this not surprising considering that manic episodes and the bipolar reality is the extreme manifestation of duality.
here's a thought: Maybe manic breaks are simply a mirrored reflection of the duality surrounding us. As I think of my manic break and the few others I know that have had true manic episodes I see that those episodes were in extremes and reflective of the extremes. Maybe manics are actually the ones that are more in touch with reality and not the opposite.
I do believe there might be some truth to that.
But I'll try to get back to my intentions and focus on what I really came on here to talk about.
In my mania, very intense feelings and trust were played with. I broke at a time when a man was helping me to bring out and understand my buried story and TBI PTSD stuff. Part of that buried stuff was the hypo-manic and mood instability I had experienced in younger years. I had buried that stuff deep and it is no wonder; it is not acceptable in the "real world." And I know to well the stigmatizing and the ostracizing. Hell, I even did it to myself. It was better to bury it deep and forget about it.
But the TBI of the auto accident started bringing back memories. Initially it was not the memories of the Lamictal, giraffe spots, mania associated with let down, my blog, and bipolar like symptoms that I had worked hard to manage and avoid diagnosis of. No, initially is was the PTSD kind of memories; the reliving of symptoms and problems that had been more associated with the previous TBI than I had ever realized.  I was becoming aware of just how alone and misunderstood I really had been as a teen. With the reliving of symptoms but managing them in a muscle memory kind of way that made me appear to be doing better than I really was, I was becoming so painfully aware of just how much TBI really had effected my life.
And it was painful.
But, compounding the problem even further, the injury sights of both TBI's are area's of the brain that can profoundly effect mood stability and impulse control. -Good thing I had so much experience with that already, that I had been raised to strictly adhere to high standards, and I have above average intelligence. With those attributes I am certain I have faired better than I would be otherwise, though I will admit I have found significant peace in allowing myself to let go, to some degree, of my rigid conditioning and standards and in allowing myself to be human.
As I continue to digress I might as well point out what many have lateral thinkers have pointed out to me lately: Most people think very laterally and I don't so much. My thinking is pulling, noticing, connecting and jumping a lot. I have noticed this seems to be a common attribute amongst TBI survivors. My friend Renee often calls it "kersplat-splat." In our neuroplasticity we had to take the scenic route and maybe others, like me, unconsciously decided that they like the scenic routes. Sometimes this is really a valuable ability, sometimes it causes us problems. Working backwards can help.
But right now, I think, what I am really doing is dodging and maybe a bit avoiding the internal work I am hoping this blog entry can help me with.
So this blog entry will be long, but also jam packed if you care to stick with me and try to follow.
back on track; to the mania that was triggered by and played with by a man that had much more power over me than I ever would allow on purpose or that care to admit...
In those breaking moments I understood better what was happening than I feel like I do now. Now it is so convoluted and my brain got so confused by how it was handled. Every time they told me I could not talk to him it was a manifestation of his profound and intense attraction to me. Logically I knew this was not true, not accurate, but my broken brain and very fragile stability, and my very broken heart kept grabbing hold of those ridiculous romantic ideas. Maybe simply to save my life because the reality of the rejection was literally killing me. You may want to blame and victim shame, but in his position of power and influence over me, and because I needed, trusted, and loved him so much, things he said ruminated and I could not entirely deny, even in my logical brain that their may be some truth to that fairytale fantasy that wanted to consume me.
And now I am finding I am having trouble writing my mind the way I intended... It is so very difficult to explain mania, especially moderately managed mania...
So maybe I won't worry about that but rather focus on the things I have to notice, the things I have to do to try and figure out my reality and ground myself in it. It is sad and too bad to me that I have to focus on negatives, that I have to find the faults in this man and the institution and then keep reminding my brain of them so that I can detach and live without them. I have to grab hold of every hint that he really did not care or that he might be a grooming psychologist, the hints and likely hoods that I was not something special to him and that he has possibly done this before. It is sad that I have tpofault him for things he said that were harsh toward others including his children and me.
In the beginning, when I realized, in my phases of waking up from mania -which is also, unfortunately, a downward spiral into depression in addition to a continued digression of sanity- I recognized the way he had worded things as neither confirmed nor denied but implied and I recognized that he may have intentionally used the things he said and the way he said them to manipulate me to protect himself. Seeing this, I found myself wondering exactly what type of creature I really was dealing with. I resorted to researching this mysterious man, and not terribly surprising, he is not very visible online. But there were some clues. My poor broken and manic fed heart still grabbed hold of everything endearing and any evidence of the profound love I seemed to have felt going both directions. While my messy, broken, childlike brain, that was trying to handle flooding memories and realizations in addition to the bipolar cycling, tried to discern and determine if there was anything to my findings and what to do about it.
... and as I attempt to share and confess, I find my brain and heart are still fighting and I am still maybe not wanting to pick apart this man that I know does not feel toward me what I thought I felt and even if he had, he does not any longer.
I know he his flawed and I can see, in such subtle little hints (Shaun White) evidence of what may have been going on psychologically with him and potential reasons for his countertransference with me, but I also know, that I really don't know and maybe I really don't want to think I do.
But there is also a part of me that says, "I know boys like you," and I am actually out of his league.* Not in the trophy girl kind of way that people usually think of but is that why he messed with me, drinking up my flattery and taking advantage of my brokenness? Having grown into himself is this a form of retaliation for all the girls that were out of his league? (* I would like to be clear here, though I feel this to some extent, I do not necessarily believe that I am out of his league -it is merely something to consider)
I don't know and maybe I flatter myself. But regardless...
I hurt for him. I hurt for his family. I wish I understood what happened and why he played with me the way he did, why he denied the mania -spirit animals, emails, laughing, overly confident, easily sidetracked to whatever direction he took, too intense, too quick to reply when I did not know really know why or even what I was implying...
I know he played with me. I know he was afraid he could lose his license because of me, but I did not understand why. I know he was afraid of me, and that he could not handle me or did not want to. I was too much for him once I went manic or he was using that to his advantage.  That much I knew and still know.
That is real.
It is also real that he said he didn't need/want anymore friends and that he was going to "let it burn out." It is also real that he told me about himself, though those may have been manipulations, while I held boundaries and would not share things I felt would feed that attraction.
It is also real that he is not what I thought and I knew that but needed to see it and needed him to show and tell me that once I had broken and when I was trying to figure out reality. I needed him to set me straight in my misunderstandings.
This is not what I meant to write, I meant to point out his flaws, the things I see and tell myself to help me see him in a different light, one that is not so flattering and breaks the strange longing that is not entirely gone. But I just don't want to.
do I still want to hold on? or is it that I don't want to be unkind? or is it that I still have tenacious but confused hope of reconciliation with the institute and he that should not have exiled me?
Or is it simply because mania is intense and the feelings and experience of it are not easily forgotten and/or dismissed?
I do know I am likely more forgiving than the people I feel I have to report to because of how I was treated and how all of this was handled... I have found legal help because I want it done right and accountability is important but the waiting part of this is very difficult, especially for my impulse-control challenged mind.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The good news

"You get more of what you focus on."
I know this adage/ cliché and it holds a lot of truth and power to it.
My dear Managed Manic Magnificence friend reminded me of this in conversation today. She was not intentionally trying to remind me of this, which is nice, it just got me thinking and remembering. And I thought about this here blog, my processing blog. This blog often turns into my venting and maybe ranting space, and it does helps me reset, so to me it is good. But I also see that on here I am not or have not recently focused enough on the good news, the positives, and the silver linings and as I listen and think I start to feel like maybe I want to write more on that stuff to help me keep that focus going and growing.
So the good news:
Today I got good news. The pituitary tumor is non-functional and nonthreatening at this point. It is not interfering with hormones or my eyes and that is good... Well there is still a very slight possibility it is a cyclical cortisol producing tumor, but that is unlikely and also apparently hard to diagnose.  Basically if I have another manic episode I need to get my blood tested and then we would know if that could be a possibility. The funny thing is, I am tempted to push myself into mania just to find out. But that is about as far as I will respond to that temptation because I really don't want to go there.
So tumor and pituitary are good and that is good.
Of course there is that small part of me that is a little disappointed the tumor is not accountable for the crazy and then I feel tempted to mistakenly think I didn't get any answers there. But that is not true, this good news actually gave some very solid answers: TBI and neuropsychologist error/misconduct are more clearly the culprits.
Other good news:
Yesterday was rough at one point but I also had some very positive experiences. One of which was the snowboarding lesson I taught. Two kids, 10 and 12, first timers, and they were awesome. They were fun and teachable and they did amazing. Yet, for me, the real highlight was the conversation with the 12 (almost 13) year old girl about TBI. She told me she had gotten a concussion from skiing a couple of years ago. As she was telling me about it and about how it showed up on an MRI and she said, "they said something about a brain bleed," I was a bit surprised they were calling it a concussion. She told me about how reading was really hard that year in school and that the week she returned to school she had to do a standardized reading test and it made her head hurt so bad it made her sick; so sick she threw up. My heart hurt for her and all the kids and people who have serious head injuries that are not treated seriously enough. But again focusing on the positive, I was so happy to have a conversation with her about issues she has had and that she might face in her teen years. She is a very intelligent girl and is capable of recognizing things -like feeling sad for longer than she did before- as symptoms. She was so receptive and happy to discuss the subject. Her eyes were lit and she was appreciative as I explained that if she felt or experienced some added intensities in her teen years it could be due to that TBI, [especially considering the location (same as mine)] and that knowing that could help her through it.
My sweet MMM friend reminds me, getting this girl as my student was not a coincidence and I agree.
I am so happy I could help her.
And even though my family (the parent-sibling part) has mostly been hands off and keep it to yourself through these very trying times, I have one sister who occasionally checks up on me to see how things are going and another who I can usually talk to about these things and that is very nice.
So I am grateful and I do want it to be clear to my readers and myself that I do have and I am aware of the so very many positive things in my life.
I am lucky.
And I am especially lucky to have my MMM friend.