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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Medication vs. Self-medicating

Life has not privileged me with the opportunities to be the person that I think I want to be. I am most certainly something else. I still find myself in the quandary of medication vs not despite the difference I know it makes for me.
Even on medication I still have to do those things that are needed to help fight depression ie. diet, exercise, avoid stimulants and depressants. I still have to be aware of what I am subjecting myself to as far as entertainment and media goes. I still worry. But it is so much more manageable. Without medication I felt like myself sometimes but those sometimes were short lived and a battle to maintain. I have come to this conclusion; I know who I am and who I want to be and if I feel more like that person on a more consistent basis with the help of medication then I see no problem with self medicating with the help of a professional who probably knows more then I do about a lot of things. I think its a fair thing to do for myself and my loved ones and those who have to deal with me on a regular basis.
I think it is really not funny at all that people (society really) are so harsh about prescription "happy" pill's but so OK with all the various forms of self medication that are addictive and often unhealthy. I have felt the pressure to drink alcohol and am often viewed as a prude or stiff or what ever because I don't drink. I will admit I have been tempted, but the only reason I'd be drinking would be to "calm" me, problem is it is a depressant and even before I knew that, I knew how it effected people and I knew that I was screwed up enough, I didn't need help with that. I don't drink for these reasons so I am looked down on by many. I do take medication for a lot of the same reasons that people drink and smoke and do illegal drugs in there various forms, you'd think that I'd be viewed the same, I think it is more responsible, but a societal view would look down on me multiple times. I personally think it is pretty stupid. and that is all I have to say about that right now.

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