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Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am mental but I am capable

So I have an opinion I'd like to share. I've often struggled with why, what is my problem and, obviously, do I really need medication? Life often raises us with improper thinking patterns and dysfunctional situations. Is this why I am the way I am or is it all in chemistry? Or is it a direct result of a head injury? My question is this: Does it Matter? Really isn't what matters what you do with it; what you choose to do with what life has given you?
I believe, just like many health issues, mental illness can be the result of an injury. Is it not possible that a person can be injured emotionally to a point that will change them and their life forever and even their chemistry? It is obvious that this happens but we still somehow shun the idea that a mental/emotional injury could result in a life long handicap.

Now the beauty of modern medicine is that we have so many possibilities.

If a person looses a limb should they not use a prosthetic because they can learn to survive without one? Should a person not be considered capable because they need a wheel chair to get around or because they need to monitor their sugar levels and give them selves shots on a regular basis? Why, then, is it that as a society we look down so harshly on Mental Illness? I realize that it is partially because we all have mental and emotional issues that we have to get over so it is easy to target those people who seemingly don't. I also realize that many people with mental illness's DON'T live responsibly and can even be very dangerous. But I will say that just as we all have mental issues to overcome we all have regular health issues to overcome and though we can not all overcome all medical issue's we are wise enough to know that does not make a person useless or unintelligent, it is just their own bodies flaw, and we all have those. And I will say that if we can look at these things with a bit more of an open mind and heart then we can start addressing them better and save many people from much pain, heart ache and even death, as well as possibly ourselves because, just like most things in life, you really never know if you'll be hit with it or not.

1 comment:

  1. E, I have to give you props. Mental illness has such a stigma attached to it yet so many people deal with it. I have done three stints in a mental hospital due to 'suicidal ideation' as they like to call it. Your honesty is very refreshing and I applaud you for doing what is right for you. I too think that medication is over prescribed but that doesn't mean that no one can benefit from it. I know lots of people who wouldn't function without it. I was on medication for a long time and if I find myself in need of it again I will take it. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss and I hope you find some peace with the situation. I look forward to reading what you have to say in the future.
