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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Talk is Cheap...assume little!

There is a saying: "It is better to let people think you are an ass then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
But talking openly, even if it makes an ass of me, has saved my life and my sanity more then once. It has saved our marriage and I believe it could save many people from many atrocities.
This part of me is not "mental illness" this part of me, though it may be idealistic, is a valuable asset.
Yet, we live in a world where we are not always speaking the same language even when we are speaking the same language. However, I still feel it is rather presumptuous to simply assume things about others so I give them credit and have sufficient faith in them that I hope they would have in me and I open my mouth.
So here is some food for thought: when one re-considers the adage "it is better to let people think you are an ass then to open your mouth and remove all doubt," I hope people might stop to think who is really being the ass? The one speaking or the one assuming?


  1. Sometimes though we need to hear our words from others ears, simply because our ass isn't always the only one in the room with feelings / emotions.
    Don't get me wrong; I fully believe in standing up for your beliefs and speaking your mind, but at the same time choose your words with thought, not emotion, and be mindful of other peoples humanity.
    There is a vast difference between responding and reacting.
    I think the words I'm looking for here are "tolerance" and "compassion". Live and let live.
    Just thought I would put that out there.

  2. good point Jess. And I have to say I do try... At time's I over think it so much that either I don't say something that really maybe ought to be said or I'm so concerned with saying it "right" or explaining myself that I merely dig my self deeper into the ditch of the other persons assumptions... Assumptions that can be so misunderstood that I really frighten people away. To that I guess I just have to say "oh well" eventually someday I will have the balance of speaking up and speaking properly down. And in the mean time I rarelly get upset my stupid things that people say because I know how stupid I myself can sound, even thought I'm not.
    But I believe the point Jess is making is rather that we need to be careful and considerate in what we say at all times, recoginizing not only our own value but that of those around us.
    And that is a very important to point, as it is often easy to get caught up in being a victem feeling justified in our own insensitivity because of what may be going through. Thanks Jess, for helping to maintain balance and mental responsibility.
