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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Welcome to the otherside

Being a genius isn't all it's cracked up to be. Having a truly open mind can create a black hole of a void. Being divinely directed can be exhausting. And knowing you must be so responsible with the powers you posses can also wear on one. It is not so easy to maintain invincible and immortal. It is quite time consuming. So sometimes it is OK to take a mortality pill that may make you boring and average at best. Sometimes boring and average are quite refreshing. Sometimes life can be much more enjoyable lived well within "the limits."


  1. "within limits" sounds much like "in moderation" to me...

  2. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself grasshopper. Interesting place this, isn't it? ;)
    So THIS is how the other half live.
    I wonder if, when we're hopping from cloud to cloud with Jase, we'll be able to merge these two realities of ours. Invincible and sane all at once.
